Drinking water is harder than it looks

There’s a great new cartoon about marathon running featured on theoatmeal.com. I highly recommend checking it out. One of the many topics in the cartoon is the dreaded water stop.

Water stops can be tricky because if you actually stop, slow down, and walk through the station, you’re almost certain to be run over. You’re also likely to pour most of the water on your shirt, or to choke on it.

Shameless stolen from theoatmeal.com

Shameless stolen from theoatmeal.com

There is a trick to this, which should keep you from giving yourself a bath or water boarding yourself.

As soon at you grab the cup, crunch it so the top of the cup looks like a taco. This will keep the water from sloshing out as you run. It will also allow you to pour the water into your mouth slowly.

Stolen from shutter stock

   Stolen from shutter stock


See? The top of the cup looks like a taco. You’re welcome.

About marathonermegan

Training for my first marathon
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